AI Apocalypse for Advertisers: Why Your Ads Are Becoming Utterly Useless

Ketan Gupta
3 min readMar 5, 2024


The advertising industry has always been a game of cat and mouse, with advertisers constantly evolving their tactics to capture consumer attention. But a new player has entered the field, and it threatens to dismantle the entire game: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI and advertisement

The rise of advanced AI systems is poised to disrupt advertising in a way never seen before. Traditional methods that rely on broad targeting and persuasive messaging are becoming increasingly irrelevant as AI becomes more sophisticated. Here’s why:

  • The Rise of the AI Assistant: Imagine a world where you never have to endure another intrusive ad. Instead, you simply ask your AI assistant for the “best running shoes for flat feet under $100.” With access to vast amounts of data and the ability to analyze your preferences and budget, AI can become your own personal shopping concierge, cutting through the ad clutter and delivering personalized recommendations.
  • The Demise of the Annoying Ad: Banner ads? Forgotten. Annoying commercials? A relic of the past. AI assistants will prioritize factual information and user satisfaction, rendering manipulative marketing tactics and exaggerated claims obsolete. Advertisers will need to shift from persuasion to providing accurate, transparent product information that AI can objectively evaluate.
  • The Data Advantage: AI thrives on data, and it has access to a lot of it. From your past purchases to your browsing history, AI can understand your unique needs and preferences better than any traditional ad campaign ever could. This granular understanding allows AI to deliver hyper-personalized recommendations that resonate far more than generic advertising.

Adapting or Dying: A Stark Choice for Advertisers

The future of advertising lies not in manipulating consumers, but in building trust and transparency. Advertisers who adapt to this new reality will thrive. Here’s what this new reality might look like:

  • Focus on Value, Not Hype: AI prioritizes factual data. Advertisers will need to focus on creating valuable content that showcases genuine product benefits. This could involve informative product videos, detailed comparisons, or partnerships with trusted review platforms.
  • Embrace Transparency: Consumers are increasingly wary of deceptive marketing. Advertisers who embrace transparency, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses of their products, will gain trust from AI assistants and ultimately, consumers.
  • Data-Driven Strategies: In the age of AI, data is king. Advertisers will need to leverage data analytics to understand consumer behavior and tailor their strategies accordingly. This could involve partnering with AI developers to create targeted product information feeds that AI assistants can readily access.

The AI apocalypse for traditional advertising isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s an opportunity to create a more efficient, transparent, and ultimately, more consumer-centric advertising landscape. By adapting to the new AI reality, advertisers can ensure their voices are heard — and their products are chosen — in the future.

So, is this the end of advertising as we know it? Not quite. But it’s certainly time for a paradigm shift. The future of advertising lies in collaboration, not manipulation, and those who embrace this change will be the ones to survive and thrive in the age of AI.



Ketan Gupta

Blockchain enthusiast and writer exploring crypto, NFTs and decentralized tech. Providing fresh perspectives and thought-provoking insights. Follow for more.